X-ray Equipment
X-ray Equipment
Progeny JB-70 [XR2] + 1500 Points
jb70Brochure.pdf (3,8 MB) Brochure
Choose from 3 Types of Remote ControlsEasy to understand icons and anatomical programming ensure instant proficiency for every user. 30 preprogrammed techniques are instantly available and time can be adjusted up or down to meet special imaging...
xgenus de Götzen [XR3] +1500 points
xgenus_ac_dc.pdf (2,5 MB) Brochure
xgenus® dc: is even more than this. Certified Unit
de Götzen® technology has been innovative for over thirty years. Today de Götzen®‚ moves forward rapidly with a new technological level achieved in the new xgenus® dc. With ingeniousness,...
IntraOs 70 Bluex [XR4] + 1500 Points
Simple and reliable
IntraOs 70 is a traditional dental x-ray equipment designed to meet the most demanding needs of the dental profession both when using traditional films as well as digital sensors.
Smart Timer for Ease of Use
The AutoSet timer is intuitive in its use. It features...
Digital Radiography
VistaScan Plus [xs3] + 15 000 Point
VistaScan Plus
Brochre p007-197-02_2011-03_vistascan_plus.pdf (1,2 MB)
Existing X-ray installations can usually remain in operation. Can be set up flexibly on tables or on the wall. Can be set up in a central position – no darkroom. Can be operated as a stand-alone...
VistaScan Perio Image Plate [XS2] + 10 000 Point
Efficiency for work in the dental practice
Digital X-ray with Dürr Dental offers dentists images with higher resolution to meet all diagnostic needs. More than 40 years of experience in the development of X-ray technology have time and again led to innovative and more...
Vista 6 X-Ray Sensor [XS1] + 3000 Point
p007-670-02_2012-04_vistaray7.pdf (1 MB) Brochure
15 years of experience in sensor technology
Completely convincing: The high level of detail even at low radiation levels. The depiction of the finest greyscale enables D1 caries lesions to be reliably detected. Thanks to the quick...