Welcome to Dental Zone Egypt
Our advertising agency is a service oriented business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising and other forms of promotion for our clients. As an independent firm from our clients we seek to provide an objective outsider's point of view to the client's effort of selling their products or services. In addition we have the capabilities to handle the overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for our clients if desired. We are highly skilled and ready to dedicate ourselves to fulfilling all your needs.
About us
Dental Zone Egypt is the First Web Based specialized Dental Advertising and Resources Company in Egypt,Established after the Egyptian Revololution at January 2011
It Follows the Modern and Global Dental Advertising Approaches and Reshape the Dental Media Solutions in Egypt.
Our Services Include:
For Dentists:
* New Dental Clinics Technical Advise and Project Plan
* Scientific Resources For Continuing Dental Education
* Scientific Research Assistance
* Sell and Buy Pages
* Job Search Pages
* Maintenance tips for your equipment
* Dental laboratory tips
* Dental Associations guide
* Dental Events Calender
For Dental Companies:
* Advertising Solutions Using our Wide based Dental Community
* SMS Advertising
* Events , Courses , Conferences Publishing Solutions
For Students :
* Exam Dates
* Exam Results
* Educational Resources (Multimedia,Limks,Texts)
Dental Community:
Dental Zone Egypt welcomes all charity societies and support comunity and scientific developments associations